Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Well! Here is a real cool story for my brand new blog!

Last night was the first night of the spring season of a group I run with here in Tucson, The Workout Group. I was pretty excited to do a speed workout and run with some people after a bunch of lonely miles over the holiday break. A lot of people, me included are training for a spring marathon so the workout was a 6 mile run: 2 miles at marathon pace, 2 miles at 10-15 seconds faster than marathon pace, and 2 miles at marathon pace again. First of all, what even is marathon pace at this point, 8 weeks or whatever out from the race? I decided to try my fastest goal marathon pace, which is a secret, thank you. It actually worked out just fine, although... I suppose that "marathon pace" should feel pretty easy for only 6 miles, right? Not so, buddy. Let's just not let ourselves think about the prospect of running 26.2 miles at that pace right now, or else I may as well just get in bed until summer.

Anyways that is not the interesting part! I am a pretty clumsy lady and prone to taking a fall now and then. As a hurdler I certainly took it in the teeth a few times! My specialty, though, is tripping over nothing on smooth, flat asphalt and it had been awhile so I was due. At about mile 4, desperate to slow down a whole 10 seconds per mile, I was looking at my watch...and suddenly I was diving towards the ground. Luckily I think my crash zones are developing a tough hide from all my previous falls and the damage wasn't too bad at all. The worst part was the large audience of pedestrians and passing cars, but what can you do...I got up, gave it my best Mary Katherine Gallagher arms-raised victory lunge and got back after it.


Very cool, very smooth, I can't wait for a loop of my dork moves to play in my head until I die. Of course I had to plaster my embarrassment all over facebook and instagram right away, and why not, here it is for your viewing pleasure too!

Bonus, here is an introduction to my firstborn baby, Lucy aka Big-Fat (I would NEVER, that is my husband's name for her). She looks concerned but we all know cats feel no such emotion, she wants me to get over myself and pet her gut. She is my sweet darling love (I KNOW how lame it sounds and I DO NOT CARE) and I will write out her story here someday if I keep up this blog.

Well all's well that ends well, in order to heal my wounded soul I ate a salad so large I had to put it in a mixing bowl, three huge chocolate-covered strawberries from the box that arrived in the mail from my extremely awesome friend Sarah yesterday, and went right to bed after a few episodes of America's Next Top Model Season 1 (indisputably the best). I suffered through my easy run this morning just fine and I live to fight another day.

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