Tuesday, January 6, 2015

gotta start somewhere

Ok! After half-thinking about it occasionally for years, I have made a blog. Here we go! I guess I'll start by interviewing myself.

Q: Well why don't you tell us a little bit more about yourself?
A: Sure, happy to. My name is Katie, I'm....32 years old I guess. Old enough to have to think about it for a second.

I have 4 cats. Oh don't worry, you'll hear so much about them that you'll be awkwardly looking for the exits soon enough. Just like real life!

I live in Tucson, AZ and I'm an astronomer-turned-engineer. My job involves sitting down all day looking at screens, so I keep my crazies to a minimum by running a lot.

I've been running since I was about 10 years old, when I specialized in the standing long jump and the 50-meter dash in the children's track and field program in Longmont, CO. Somehow in middle school I fell into hurdling and was a hurdler, sprinter, and long/triple-jumper all through high school and college. I also ran cross-country for "fun" since I am a real mellow person. I had a good high school career and a bad college career, and when I went to grad school I ran only intermittently for years. I pretty much figured my good-at-running days were over.

When my husband and I moved to Tucson in 2012, I finally started running regularly again, and somehow (finally rested enough after college? Tucson's perfect-for-running environment? nutso personality?) all of the lack-of-motivation that plagued me for years disappeared. I ran a half-marathon and marathon for the first time, and then decided to start a running streak that is going about 7 months strong now. I am running....a lot. For me, at least.

Q: So why "running and cats"?
A: Well, I had to call it something, and running and cat ownership are my only two hobbies, so there we go.

Q: What will you write about?
A: Running and cats. Give the people what they came for.

Ok well that will wrap up my very first, extremely fascinating blog post. Coming next, I'll talk about all my upcoming races and goals. I guess. I don't know, I don't know how to write a blog.

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