Monday, January 12, 2015

Training 01/05/2015-01/11/2015

I always love to see people's training logs on blogs I read, plus I think it will be fun to look back on these after awhile, so I'll post the previous week's worth of training every Monday.

This was the first week in a new 4-week cycle. While training for this marathon I've been doing 3 weeks of high mileage with one easy week. This week came after a 52-mile down week, about 30% less than the week before that. Theoretically the down week should have left me feeling great, but for some reason I never think I feel any more recovered after an easier I just try to trust that I'm getting the benefits anyway.

The plan for the three upcoming hard weeks was/is 70 miles, 80 miles, 80 miles. I've never run 80 miles in a week before so we'll see how next week goes!

Monday -- 10 miles at 7:52 average pace. This was the first week back after vacation, the first run in almost 2 weeks that happened entirely before sunrise and a day of work. This pace was slower than I've been running on typical easy/recovery days, and I consider it my gift to myself. Alternately, it may have been a pity party.

Tuesday -- 10.7 miles total. Workout: 2 miles marathon pace (MP), 2 miles MP - 10-15 seconds, 2 miles MP. Splits: 6:55, 6:55, 6:39, 6:47 (fell down this mile so we'll give me a few seconds), 6:48, 6:55. I don't know, I guess that's pretty close to the goal, a 3-hour marathon is 6:52 pace.

Wednesday -- 11.2 miles at 8:17 average pace. Again, super slow and I had planned 12 miles but just didn't have an extra 0.8 in me. I think I was tired out from the workout about 12 hours previous. What can you do....the occasional slower run is fine, I suppose, and when I feel terrible I like to imagine that those runs are making me extra-strong. Plus, I need to keep in mind that a year ago this run would have been typical and/or awesome.

Thursday -- 10 miles at 7:55 average pace with the WOG crew. Last mile we did 6x200 meter-ish strides. I think the pace is a little deceiving here, as a few miles were super slow due to puddles and mud in the park. Felt a ton better than the previous 3 days, although the slow paces are starting to psyche me out a little bit. This always happens before races, I start to over-analyze my training and believe that I have magically lost all fitness or am overtrained/too tired. We'll see. We included Sunday's race course in this run, which helps with my obsessive-worrier tendencies.

Friday -- 4.1 miles at 7:18 average pace. Finally started to perk up a little bit today, planning to back off on miles Friday and Saturday in anticipation of the race on Sunday.

Saturday -- 7 miles at 8:10 average pace. Paced my friend Emily for the end of her 20-mile long run. Fun run!

Sunday -- 18.3 miles total at 7:21 average pace. 4.1 mile warm-up, 6.2 mile race, 8 mile cool down. Awesome day! I will write a recap of the race this week. The 8 mile cool-down was...not the easiest. This all went by faster than a typical 18-miler though, I'll say that.

Total -- 71.4 miles, 7:46 average pace.

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